Children’s etiquette course

When children learn good manners from a young age, these quickly become second nature.

Knowing what is expected of them in any given situation fosters a sense of security and confidence that will remain with young people for the rest of their lives.

Good manners will enable your children to make friends more easily, perform better at school and be noticed for all the right reasons. We can help children make a positive first impression by encouraging them to introduce themselves properly to new people, display good table manners and show kindness to everyone around them.

The video content is complemented by a colourful activity book, a cut-out place setting and a fun quiz that helps to reinforce the skills and tools taught in the lessons. Upon completion of the course, all children will receive a certificate from The British School of Etiquette.


“It is a great course, with valuable and essential information that kids need to learn proper manners in order to thrive in life. I thoroughly enjoyed as well.”

Antonino C

“Brilliant overall.”

abbie I
Watch Intro Video

Course curriculum

    1. Course Platform Walkthrough - OPTIONAL

    2. Children’s Etiquette Course Introduction

    3. Kidiquette™ Course Booklet

    1. Meeting & Greeting

    2. Quiz - Meeting & Greeting

    1. Basic Table Manners - Part 1

    2. Quiz - Basic Table Manners - Part 1

    3. Basic Table Manners - Part 2

    4. Quiz - Basic Table Manners - Part 2

    1. Saying Please & Thank You

    2. Quiz - Saying Please & Thank You

    1. Summary

    2. Kidiquette Quiz - Final Assessment

About this course

  • £69.99
  • 13 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content